Friday, 6 December 2019


The history of synthesis at your fingertips! We used three of these pristine analog super-synths and set off, tirelessly programming and sampling these beauties in high-resolution through a world-class signal chain. News Sales and promotions. Programming capabilities were equally rich with independent control of 2 DCOs per voice, 2 EGs, 2 VCFs, onboard chorus and even a sequencer albeit a limited one. UVXP was designed to deliver on all of the strengths of this iconic Japanese series with none of the weaknesses. Vintage Vault 2 Pricing. uvx-10p

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Experience the authentic sounds of vintage hardware instruments with all the simplicity of software. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies.

UVI UVXP - The Analog Sound of the 80’s

This synth is known for an immense and capable analog sound, even some ux-10p textures; it's simply a magnificent machine. Upgrade from Vintage Vault. The Unfinished releases Drumstruck V cinematic drum loop library Sep 30, Realsamples Vintage Piano Bundle, ufx-10p and historical sounds on a budget Sep 24, Plugin Boutique has launched an exclusive sale on Sparkverbthe algorithmic reverb plugin that traverses everything from natural sounding spaces to infinite, shimmering ambiences with stunning depth and fidelity throughout the entire spectrum.

Latest news All Effect plugins Instrument plugins Patches and sound banks Sales and promotions Samples and sound libraries. UVXP was designed to deliver on all of the strengths of the JX series with none of the weaknesses. Pricing Terms and Conditions.


With a cutting-edge algorithmic design, Sparkverb breaks the boundaries of contemporary reverbs giving users modern and innovative controls that dramatically enhance usability, speed and creative freedom while delivering breathtaking sound ivx-10p and remarkable CPU efficiency.

As with the UVX-3P we made every sample twice, with and without the built-in chorus, providing an authentic and versatile foundation.


You must add 1 as a minimum quantity to buy this product. Vintage Vault 2 Pricing. Native Instruments releases Massive X flagship wavetable synthesizer Jun 27, Learn more about our Privacy Policy Ok.


We started with a pristine JX, MKS, and JX-8P and set off, tirelessly programming and sampling these beauties in high-resolution through a world-class signal chain.

We used three of these pristine analog super-synths and set off, tirelessly programming and sampling yvx-10p beauties in high-resolution through a world-class signal chain.

UVXP was designed to deliver on all of the strengths of this iconic Japanese series with none of the weaknesses. In the world was introduced to a Japanese voice, oscillator analog synthesizer par excellence and the last true analog synth of its lineage. Also ivx-10p in the Vintage Vault 2 bundle.

SubLab sub-bass synthesizer plugin by Future Audio Workshop. UVI is not affiliated or endorsed by any entities listed here.

UVXP by UVI | Free Listening on SoundCloud

A comprehensive collection of 50 instruments, drum machines and over 7, hand-crafted presets giving you the most important synth and drum machines sounds from the last 50 years. New Sonic Arts updates Freestyle plugin host to v1. Upgrade from single product s. The history of synthesis at your fingertips! UVX-3P was developed with the same care and thoroughness as our other Vintage series instruments.

UVI UVX-10P review

A JX-3P uvx-10l fully restored to factory spec, programmed by members of our sound design team and deeply multi-sampled, capturing samples both dry and with the built-in analog chorus enabled.

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Programming capabilities were equally rich with independent control of 2 DCOs per voice, 2 EGs, 2 VCFs, onboard chorus and even a sequencer albeit a limited one. This sonic backbone paired with the UVI Engine results in a lush and extravagant analog sound; faithful to the hardware with a modern studio bite. Splice Sounds offers free month subscription Mar 24, Fashioned with a sparse aesthetic, a lack of knobs made the system a bit of a chore to program but an external controller could be attached, cheerfully reuniting synthesists with the immediacy and rapid programming speed of its ever-popular sibling lines.

This sonic backbone paired with the UVI Engine results in a lush and extravagant analog sound; faithful to the hardware with a modern studio bite.

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